Public employee disability retirement claims
If you are a public employee and suffer from a disabling and permanent work-related injury you may be eligible to be awarded Accidental Disability Retirement (ADR) pension benefits. A public employee includes people who work for the state and/or cities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. These retirement benefits total upwards of 72% of your wage. They are payable to employees who are also eligible for workers compensation benefits. The ADR benefits will supplement your workers compensation benefits to get your combined monthly benefits to 72%.
If you are unable to perform the essential functions of your job, even if you are not totally disabled from performing other occupations, you may be eligible to receive ADR pension benefits and be able to work at a different dissimilar job while receiving ADR benefits.
There are strict legal requirements that you must follow to succeed in your application for these benefits. These include filing your application within two years of your injury date as well as proving your case with medical records and medical opinions. The process of proving a disability claim can be overwhelming. It requires you, as the claimant, to gather sufficient medical evidence substantiating your disability as defined by Massachusetts law. The attorneys at Hashim & Spinola have the expertise in the complex scheme of regulatory and statutory requirements of the legal proof you need to succeed on your claim.
That’s why it is important that you contact the public employee retirement team at Hashim & Spinola before you file your application to help you fill it out properly and increase the likelihood of success of your claim.
Medical Panel
After you file your application, the law requires you to be evaluated by three physicians with expertise in your disabling condition (Medical Panel). The Medical Panel will examine you and review your medical records. The panel will then determine whether your condition meets the medical requirements for your claim including whether the condition permanently disables you from performing the essential functions of your job. It will also determine whether your disabling condition was caused by an injury or hazard undergone at work. The team at HASHIM & SPINOLA understands the medicine involved in your condition and the vital importance of the opinions of the Medical Panel. We have decades of experience and will prepare you for these critical examinations, increasing the likelihood of success of your claim.
“Cynthia Spinola is a top notch attorney who gets things done and gets things right. She put me at ease during a difficult ordeal. I highly recommend Cynthia and her team.”
Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today
Our team of professionals will guide you through the process and provide you with all the necessary information and support every step of the way. We understand that this can be a challenging time, and we will treat you with the utmost care and respect, as if you were one of our own family members.
Frequently Asked Questions
Although having a lawyer is not mandatory, having an experienced attorney on your side who has years of experience dealing with ADR cases will greatly increase your chances of success on your claim.